Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Author Interview: D.W. Vogel

What genre are your books?
I write science fiction, fantasy, mysteries and thrillers. 

What draws you to this genre?
The freedom of creating a new world with its own rules is what draws me to fantasy.  I love the technicality of sci-fi.  Mysteries and thrillers are fun to write because I have to write them backwards…start with the murder, and work back through the clues to know where to start.

When did you decide to become a writer?
Like most authors I’ve always loved to read.  But I got serious about my writing when I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago.  Nothing like a potentially fatal disease to make you re-evaluate the timeline on your life goals.

Why do you write?
I’m a veterinarian by day.  Writing is a chance to stop being Dr. Wendy for a few hours and let the creative part of my brain go wild.  It’s therapeutic, and the thrill I get from knowing someone is reading my books makes everything worth it.

What is the hardest thing about writing?
The hardest thing is finding the time to do it.  I am a full-time veterinarian, marathon runner and endurance cyclist.  Something has to give, and it’s usually yardwork.

What is the easiest thing about writing?
Nothing about writing comes particularly easily, but my favorite moments are when I get caught in the flow, and the words just appear on the page.  I read them back later and wonder where on earth they came from.

So, what have you written?
I’m the author of two published novels:  Horizon Alpha: Predators of Eden is a kid-friendly sci-fi dinosaur adventure about human colonists on a hostile planet.  Flamewalker is a feminist epic fantasy that explores the nature of power and how good people can turn very, very bad.  I have short stories in several anthologies, and have one published poem, “Bees,” which is a cancer metaphor.

What are you working on at the minute?
Right now I’m working on the sequel to Horizon Alpha, and I’m finishing up a big rewrite on a thriller for my agent. 

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I’m a Scrivener girl all the way. 

Places where we can buy your book:
You can buy my books at and it’s available through all major bookstores.  If they don’t have it on the shelf, just ask.

Places where we can keep up with you:
Find me at  Follow me @drwendyv.  Like me at Facebook/DWVogel